1. Report -

    Ths report tells you about some of the work that we carried out in 2016 – 2018. It details what people told us about local health and care services and how we used this to talk to commissioners and providers of services to bring about improvements.
  2. Report -

    We have gathered a wealth of feedback on the effects of the pandemic and have used this to help commissioners develop plans for the recovery
  3. Report -

    We asked local people ‘how is the COVID-19 outbreak affecting you and your loved ones?’ You can read our report here
  4. Report -

    How we have made health and care better by listening to residents, patients, & carers
  5. Report -

    GP practice websites are an important tool to communicate information and signpost patients to correct services - but your feed back reveals that some GP practice websites are difficult to navigate or it is hard to find the right information.
  6. News -

    From collaborating with local schools to auditing GP websites, discover how Young Healthwatch is exploring and representing the needs of young people in Kensington & Chelsea.
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    We have published a new report, ‘Accessing Healthcare Digitally’. The report sets out the findings from our recent community engagement on the accessibility of digital healthcare tools. It also contains a comprehensive set of recommendations for service providers, designed to ensure that digital healthcare tools become as accessible and user-friendly as possible.
  8. News -

    On Tuesday 7th December, we held our 2021 Annual Meeting.
    We brought together over 60 members, volunteers, staff, local colleagues, community partners, and members of the public to showcase our work and plan our priorities for the coming year.
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    Last month we were delighted to continue our relationship with Imperial College London by hosting four third-year medical students for a workshop on health inequalities and the work of local Healthwatch.
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    Over the past two years, collaborating with local groups has become an essential part of our work through our Small Grants Programme. It enables us to connect with people from a range of minority ethnic backgrounds and minority groups.
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    Alongside this year’s Annual report, we have created an A5 booklet that shares the impact of our work, with a focus on tackling health inequalities and improving local services.
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    Healthwatch Central West London will collaborate with the North West London Schools Research Network to pilot a new student engagement project in schools across North West London.
  13. News -

    It has now been over a year since the first nationwide lockdown in the UK. While the UK was facing its biggest public health emergency in a generation, established working practices and patient engagement approaches had to be altered and new ideas had to be put in place.
  14. News -

    On Saturday 10 July, the Voice Exchange project will be hosting their next virtual drop-in session. This is an open discussion where you can share your thoughts and suggestions about local mental health services in Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea.
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    The theme of this year’s report is ‘Then and Now’.  It’s been designed to highlight how our work in 2020-21 has helped local patients, residents, and carers engage with changes to health and social care provision during the pandemic.
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    Healthwatch Central West London has today published a response to NHS England’s consultation on the future of Integrated Care Systems
  17. Advice and Information -

    Are you or your community affected by the new Pharmacy First scheme? How has it impacted your access to care? Do you have any feedback or concerns about the scheme? We want to hear from you!
  18. News -

    Closure of Qwell mental health service on the 31st March, 2024
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    Our new data suggests that people are increasingly avoiding booking NHS appointments or taking up prescriptions because of the cost-of-living crisis. Find out more about the support available to help you cover NHS treatment costs
  20. News -

    A public consultation evaluation report on the proposed changes to acute mental health services for residents in Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea has recently been published. We have summarised the main findings below.