1. Advice and Information -

    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
  2. Report -

    The Dignity Champions observed the medical team providing the service in a kind and compassionate manner and the patients praised their professionalism, they also identified a few areas where the service could improve
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    GP practice websites are an important tool to communicate information and signpost patients to correct services - but your feed back reveals that some GP practice websites are difficult to navigate or it is hard to find the right information.
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    To find out how well the ‘digital first’ strategy is working for all people, we engaged with a range of organisations and groups from across the borough. This report builds on previous work we carried out on digital healthcare in 2020.
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    Our work is focused on giving local people a voice in health and care; however, we also like to share when our work gets mentioned internationally…
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    The NHS is currently following a digital first strategy. From GP appointments to physiotherapy, many services are being moved online. Accessing services online is often called ‘digital health’.
  7. Advice and Information -

    Some usual NHS services will be closed or running reduced hours
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    From 1 July, the NHS complaints procedure is changing - here’s what residents of Westminster need to know
  9. Report -

    This engagement report explores service accessibility, quality of care, patient experiences, and quality of information and advice provided to Westminster & RBKC residents about podiatry services.
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    As part of the Acute Mental Health Public Consultation, CNWL NHS Trust are running a series of public events in Westminster, asking local people’s views about proposed changes to local acute mental health services.
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    We’re collecting feedback about maternity and neonatal care across North West London
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    Our recent co-production event brought together representatives from local authorities, mental health professionals, and young service users to discuss the findings from our recent report, 'Don't presume we are fine just because we look OK.'
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    You can find here our Conflict of Interest Policy
  14. Report -

    Find out more about our Independence Policy
  15. Report -

    Find out more about our Prioritisation Process
  16. Advice and Information -

    Waiting for planned medical care or surgery can be a frustrating time. That’s why it’s so important that while you wait, you get regular, clear and accessible updates so that you can plan your next steps.
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    The vaccine is now being offered to all 12 to 15-year-olds and the NHS will be delivering the vaccination through schools. Schools are contacted with students of this age to arrange a date to vaccinate their students.
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    We have published a COVID-19 insight report in collaboration with LEGS. The report highlights the impact of COVID-19 on those who have had a stroke or who are living with a neurological condition.
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    A booster jab is to be offered this spring to those most at risk becoming serious ill from Covid-19. In England, these vaccinations will begin in April.