1. Advice and Information -

    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
  2. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at our advice article on the organisations and groups that can support you if you’re grieving.
  3. Advice and Information -

    If you are experiencing or feel at risk of domestic abuse, or are worried about someone who might be, find out where you can go for advice and help.
  4. Advice and Information -

    With more and more appointments happening online, we've put together some tips on how to get the most out of the virtual health and care appointments both for patients and health and care professionals.
  5. Advice and Information -

    Many people who provide unpaid care are unaware of their rights. Find out more about the help and support you are entitled to.
  6. Advice and Information -

    Volunteering roles are available for young people aged 18-25!
  7. Advice and Information -

    Some usual NHS services will be closed or running reduced hours
  8. Advice and Information -

    Here's everything you need to know about the six-week postnatal check for new mothers and birthing parents
  9. Report -

    Half Penny Steps is a GP practice. The Practice is split into two distinct services one for GP/primary care medical services, and the other for the GP walk-in service, which operates
    7 days a week.
  10. Report -

    This report presents the findings of the Dignity Champions’ ‘Enter and View’ visit to Soho Square General Practice in Soho.
  11. Report -

    People told us that there was little support to help them stay well and manage their long-term health conditions. Others reported that
    they were unsure of how to access additional support for people living with long- term health conditions.
  12. Report -

    Ths report tells you about some of the work that we carried out in 2016 – 2018. It details what people told us about local health and care services and how we used this to talk to commissioners and providers of services to bring about improvements.
  13. Report -

    The Dignity Champions observed the medical team providing the service in a kind and compassionate manner and the patients praised their professionalism, they also identified a few areas where the service could improve
  14. Report -

    Young Healthwatch is a network of volunteers aged 14-25 who represent the views of children and young people living, working or studying Westminster. This report details the review of services from a young persons perspective.
  15. Report -

    This report details our staff and volunteers’ response to the Covid-19 crisis so far. It is clear from our findings that COVID-19 has affected people in different ways and exacerbated existing health inequalities.
  16. Report -

    The COVID-19: Your Experience Matters survey was developed to capture the broadest range of experiences: in this report, we look at physical health and access to services; mental health and wellbeing; personal and family relationships; housing, environment and finances; and information.
  17. Report -

    This report gives an overview of our series of visits to the St Charles Mental Health Unit.
  18. Report -

    This report presents the findings of our recent visit to Amazon Ward at St Charles Mental Health Unit.
  19. Report -

    This report presents the findings of our recent visit to Danube Ward at St Charles Mental Health Unit.
  20. Report -

    This report presents the findings of our recent visit to Ganges Ward at St Charles Mental Health Unit.
  21. Report -

    This report presents the findings of our recent visit to Thames Ward at St Charles Mental Health Unit.
  22. Report -

    Healthwatch Westminster and RBKC leads have completed a report on the importance of our local food aid services and the residents they serve.
  23. Report -

    Evaluating language support and interpretation services within Primary Care Settings in Westminster
  24. Report -

    Our annual report for 2022/2023 is now out!
  25. Report -

    This engagement report explores service accessibility, quality of care, patient experiences, and quality of information and advice provided to Westminster & RBKC residents about podiatry services.
  26. Report -

    Public views on the closure of acute mental health in-patient services at the Gordon Hospital
  27. Report -

    The mental health needs and experiences of young people (aged 18-25) in Westminster, Kensington & Chelsea
  28. Report -

    Our Enter & View Policy
  29. Report -

    Find out more about our commitment to equality and diversity.
  30. Report -

    You can find here our Conflict of Interest Policy
  31. Report -

    Find out more about our Independence Policy
  32. Report -

    Find out more about our Prioritisation Process