1. Report -

    Young Healthwatch is a network of volunteers aged 14-25 who represent the views of children and young people living, working or studying Westminster. This report details the review of services from a young persons perspective.
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    This report provides insights into how primary care services are meeting the needs of their Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic patients, as well as some of the challenges that still need to be addressed.
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    This report details our staff and volunteers’ response to the Covid-19 crisis so far. It is clear from our findings that COVID-19 has affected people in different ways and exacerbated existing health inequalities.
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    The COVID-19: Your Experience Matters survey was developed to capture the broadest range of experiences: in this report, we look at physical health and access to services; mental health and wellbeing; personal and family relationships; housing, environment and finances; and information.