Your Experience Matters Survey – experiences of people identifying as Black Asian and minority ethnic residents - latest findings

We have surveyed people about how they have been affected by COVID-19. We wanted to highlight the experiences of those who responded to our survey who identified as being from a minority ethnic group.
Woman standing outside a hospital in front of an ambulance

We already know that COVID-19 disproportionately impacts people from Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic groups. 

The Results

We have noticed significant disparities in the lived experiences described to us between participants who said they were Black, Asian or from a minority ethnic group and their White counterparts.

The respondents who were from a ethnic minority group were:

  • more likely to report a negatively impacted state of wellbeing, loss of income and difficulties with maintaining social distancing
  • less likely to benefit from local community networks and mutual aid groups
  • less likely to find information about COVID-19 and NHS services easy to understand

You can read more of the results in the full update document:

FINAL BAME Responses to Your Experience Matters – Kensington and Chelsea

This document is also available as an Easy Read document: BAME Responses to Your Experience Matters – Kensington and Chelsea – Easy Read – V1