Healthwatch Central West London is changing!

Over the last nine years, Healthwatch Central West London (CWL) has delivered the Healthwatch function across Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea. As with most publicly funded contracts, these are put out to tender by the Local Authority on a regular basis, and potential providers are invited to apply.

Unfortunately, despite significant preparation and hard work by the Healthwatch CWL team and our Trustees, we were not successful in the most recent tender exercise and as a result, a different organisation was awarded the contract.

We will continue to deliver the Healthwatch service across Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea as usual until the 30th June 2022, at which point the new provider, The Advocacy Project, will be taking over. Over the next two months we will be preparing for the transition. Our primary objective is minimising any possible disruption and ensuring that local voices are still heard and amplified to decision makers. Healthwatch CWL as a brand is likely to be replaced by Healthwatch Westminster and Healthwatch Kensington and Chelsea when the new provider takes over.  These changes do not affect our Healthwatch Enfield contract which we will continue to hold and deliver as usual.

Fortunately, the organisation behind Healthwatch CWL is in an extremely strong position both financially and operationally and will continue to grow. Whilst this is a sad time for our Trustees, staff and volunteers, it is also an exciting opportunity for the organisation to build on our strengths, and identify ways to have a greater positive impact for local people.

We will be working hard over the next few months to plan for the future and identifying priorities and actions in line with our charitable objectives. We will keep in touch with everyone as plans progress and we welcome everyone to join in, give us your opinions and ideas, and be part of the change.

Thank you to everyone over the last nine years for all of your amazing support and help in making the services better for local people. We will be in touch soon.